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  1. 304827


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  2. 304824


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  4. 373324

  5. 376781

    $14.99 $7.99
  6. 348359

  7. 377044

  8. Bunion Wrap with Gel by Silver Steps™-361537
    2 Options Available

  9. 373325


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  10. 358455


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  11. Visco-Gel® Hammer ToeCrutch™ - Set of 2-355365 Visco-Gel® Hammer ToeCrutch™ - Set of 2-355365
    3 Sizes Available

  12. 302724

  13. Silver Steps™ Antibacterial Gel Tubing - 1 Pair-354798 Silver Steps™ Antibacterial Gel Tubing - 1 Pair-354798
    Icon of product feature
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  14. 358477

  15. 361780

  16. 377719

  17. Silver Steps™ Protective Toe Caps Set 2-360571 Silver Steps™ Protective Toe Caps Set 2-360571
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  18. 360558

  19. 352879

  20. 352880

  21. Felt Hammer Toe Crest-359777 Felt Hammer Toe Crest-359777
    5 Options Available

  22. 360237


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  23. 371742

  24. 377803

  25. 360109

  26. 374667


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  27. 367511

  28. 360241


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  29. 369246

  30. 345550

  31. 347965

  32. Comfy Shoe Pads-377927 Comfy Shoe Pads-377927
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  33. 345410


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  34. 354607


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  35. 358775


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  38. 376546

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Foot Care Products from Walter Drake

You depend on your feet every day to take you where you need to go, to help you in your everyday tasks and to count on to carry out basic activities of daily living. Your feet take the brunt of your body’s abuse, absorbing your full weight — often in ill-fitting, uncomfortable and unsupportive shoes. It’s no wonder that sometimes your feet fight back and complain with pain, bunions, callouses, hammer toes, plantar fasciitis and more. At Walter Drake, we have a great selection of foot care products, foot, ankle and nail solutions, protectors and pads, separators and more that will soothe, care for and relieve tired, overworked and sore feet.

Foot Creams, Bunion Creams and Balms

Shop Walter Drake for a great selection of bunion creams, pain-relieving creams and balms that feature all-natural beeswax and honey. In need of toenail softening creams to help make your toenail cutting self-care task easier? We offer creams that will help take the strain and the angst out of cutting those nails. Soften and relieve dry skin, lessen diabetic nerve pain or neuropathy and soften those callouses that are giving you grief throughout your day. With bunion creams, foot care creams and foot balms, your feet will be as soft as a baby’s behind in no time at all.

Foot Care Protectors, Pads and Separators

At Walter Drake, you’ll find foot care solutions for hammer toes, heel and toe pain. Shop wraps, sleeves, toe spacers and straightening wraps to help soothe the most common foot, toe and heel ailments. With well-known, trusted foot product bands like Healthful™, Dr. Kinash™ and Silver Steps™, you’ll find the Foot Protectors, Pads and Separators that will help bring back some comfort to each step you take, helping you be more active.

Foot Care Tools

Shop foot care tools including pedicure items, heavy-duty clippers, foot files, long-reach foot scrubbers that will help you care for and pamper the areas that you depend on each and every day. You can count on Walter Drake to offer you the best in foot care products. While you’re here, shop our wellness selection of Eye, Ear and Mouth Health Products, Supplements and Treatments, Essential Oils and Accessories and Fitness and Exercise Items.

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