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Outdoor Essentials

For many people, outdoor living is the best living — especially when you have outdoor enhancers from Walter Drake. We stock everything you need to transform your patio, garden or front yard into the neighborhood’s oasis for summer fun. You’ll be able to take care of the landscape, add some cool decorations and even get ready for a party or ceremony. Whether you’re just looking to touch things up or need to give your property a complete overhaul, Walter Drake has the solutions you need at affordable prices.

The Best Lawn Care Supplies

Instead of spending a small fortune on landscaping equipment and professional help, get your Garden and Lawn Care Tools from Walter Drake. Our inventory of gardening aids includes garden gloves, scooters, rain gauges, hoses and garden footwear. You’ll have a good-looking yard in less time and with fewer aches and pains. If you’re looking for maintenance-free beauty, check out our Faux Plants that don’t need water or sun. There are garden planters as well if you prefer the real thing. Keep these flowers blooming by protecting them with Pest Control Products to drive away unwanted bugs and animals.

Do More in Your Yard

Once the landscape is in great shape, take the next step with high-quality Outdoor Décor. Lawn figurines, lights, flags, birdbaths and other functional décor will stand out even next to your well-groomed garden. Invite friends over and show them a good time with Outdoor Entertaining Supplies such as table covers, grills and coolers. Worried about your new outdoor essentials surviving harsh weather? Shop our Storage and Maintenance Accessories for covers that shield everything from riding mowers to lawn chairs. The outdoors is also a place to pay tribute to loved ones, and you can do so with respect and dignity by getting your Memorial stones, bouquets and statues from Walter Drake.

Welcome the Outdoor Season

Make every day of the year an outdoor occasion. Our essentials are the secret to great looks, a fun shopping experience and big savings. Start your search now or request a Catalog for more.

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