2' Color-Changing Flocked Tree Holiday Peak™



Brighten any room with the magical wonder of our color-changing indoor Christmas tree. Designed exclusively for Walter Drake by Holiday Peak™, this light-up flocked artificial tree has charm you can't fake. It's covered with LED color-changing lights and has nine different lighting modes, including steady white, steady multi-color, slow change and fast flash. The evergreen branches have a white powdery mixture applied that looks like natural snow. You'll have plenty of options for a relaxing night alone, a neighborhood Christmas party and anything in-between. It stands 24" high, making it a practical decoration for tables and apartments.

Keep the Christmas spirit going as long as you like by setting a small light-up holiday tree in your kitchen, living room or dining area. It's made of durable materials with a plastic stand and 35" long cord for standard outlets. The UL-listed LED bulbs last thousands of hours and are energy-efficient to save you money. Spare bulbs and fuses are included so a burnout won't dampen your holiday mood. We've had affordable prices on unique Christmas décor since 1947 to help families celebrate this special season.

This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Includes 9 lighting modes
  • 24" high x 12" diameter at the fullest point
  • Perfect for apartments, smaller rooms or tabletop display
  • Energy-efficient LED bulbs are UL®-listed
  • Extra bulbs and fuses included
  • PVC/plastic/polyester/copper
  • 35" long cord and plastic stand
  • Indoor use only
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