Health, Beauty and Wellness

At Walter Drake, there is always something new, interesting and different in the health, beauty and wellness section of our online store. We’re on the forefront of groundbreaking products, clever solutions and problem-solving goodies that will make your life easier — and better. Shop our selection of daily living aids, grooming tools, health and wellness items and foot care products in our catalog. We’re constantly on the lookout for fantastic, innovative items to incorporate into the Walter Drake family of products, so check back often for the newest and best in health and wellness.

Walter Drake Daily Living Aid Products, Sexual Health & More

From beauty and skin care and sexual health to medicine storage products, mobility, support and wellness for every part of your body, we have the items that will help you holistically care for yourself and improve your quality of life. Shop our Daily Living Aids for easy-grip reachers and grabbers, shirt protectors, easy-twist jar openers, sock aids and handy shoe horns for sale. Our hand-picked daily living aids are easy, super-affordable ways to banish those little daily challenges that can be aggravating — even downright annoying.

Beauty and Skincare Solutions

Beauty and skincare directly affect how we look and feel, so make sure you take care of yourself. Our Creative Skincare and Beauty Solutions help you be the best you can be. From lotion applicators for your back, LED tweezers, scalp brushes, foot care products and pedicure tools to perfumes, age-defying creams and hygiene accessories, we have it all here at Walter Drake.

Walter Drake Wellness Supplies

Shop Wellness Supplies for your home, medicine storage pill organizers, incontinence items and items that will help with your mobility and support: cushions, knee and hip supports, walkers and canes, bathroom safety, bathtub supports and much, much more. We carry a wide range of brands that are known and trusted in the health and wellness industry, including As Seen on TV, LivingSURE™, OakRidge™, Healthful™ Naturals, NativeRemedies®, Silver Steps™ and Dr. Kinash™. From healthy sleep to pain relief, you’ll find all of your health and wellness needs covered here at Walter Drake.

Stop back often — we’re always on the hunt for great health and wellness products, daily living aids and other wellness products that we know our customers will love.

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