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  1. 372259

    $8.99 $6.99
  2. 372205

    $8.99 $6.99
  3. 372256

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  5. 372530

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  6. 372516

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  7. 364649

    $24.99 $19.99
  8. 372527

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  9. 366418

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  10. Heritage Vinyl Elasticized Table Cover By Home-Style Kitchen™-355910 Heritage Vinyl Elasticized Table Cover By Home-Style Kitchen™-355910
    9 Options Available

    $18.99 $4.22
  11. 376239

    $14.99 $3.62
  12. 346825

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  13. Personalized Our Years Together Christmas Card Set of 20-363921 Personalized Our Years Together Christmas Card Set of 20-363921
    2 Options Available

    $14.99 $3.22
  14. 377763

    $5.99 $1.82
  15. 377683

    $6.99 $3.42
  16. Personalized Our Years Together Christmas Card set of 20-370190 Personalized Our Years Together Christmas Card set of 20-370190
    4 Options Available

    $14.99 $3.22
  17. 372028

    $9.99 $2.32
  18. Snowflake Plaid Elasticized Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-372389 Snowflake Plaid Elasticized Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-372389
    3 Sizes Available

    $16.99 $4.62
  19. 362533

    $14.99 $4.62
  20. 377354

    $3.99 $1.32
  21. 375882

    $4.99 $1.22
  22. 377663

    $12.99 $5.32
  23. Personalized Some Bunny Loves Baby Bib-373826 Personalized Some Bunny Loves Baby Bib-373826
    2 Options Available

    $19.99 $4.92
  24. 375832

    $19.99 $9.92
  25. 377074

    $9.99 $6.42
  26. Pumpkin Plaid Elasticized Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-373916 Pumpkin Plaid Elasticized Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-373916
    3 Sizes Available

    $18.99 $7.52
  27. Personalized Brown Bunny Floral Easter Basket-361691 Personalized Brown Bunny Floral Easter Basket-361691
    2 Options Available

    $19.99 $6.92
  28. Personalized Goldtone Merry Christmas Bell Ornament-373652 Personalized Goldtone Merry Christmas Bell Ornament-373652
    2 Options Available

    $24.99 $6.02
  29. Personalized Teddy Bear & Unicorn Ornament-368110 Personalized Teddy Bear & Unicorn Ornament-368110
    2 Options Available

    $14.99 $5.02
  30. 378295

    $9.99 $6.42
  31. 372165

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  32. 377997

    $14.99 $7.62
  33. 374023

    $29.99 $9.72
  34. 377736

    $8.99 $3.72
  35. Personalized Kissing Elephants Ornament-370638 Personalized Kissing Elephants Ornament-370638
    2 Options Available

    $16.99 $5.22
  36. 373951

    $19.99 $4.92
  37. 375864

    $19.99 $4.42
  38. Holiday Expressions Elasticized Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-373920 Holiday Expressions Elasticized Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-373920
    3 Sizes Available

    $18.99 $4.92
  39. 378111

    $9.99 $4.42

Discounted Holiday & Seasonal Items

Our sale and discounted holiday and seasonal items are well-loved by our customers. Shop our hand-chosen selection of discounted holiday and seasonal merchandise before these festive products are gone. From Walter Drake Christmas cards and Christmas holiday and home décor to joyous Easter goodies that will look amazing on your door or in your entryway.

Stop Back Often to See Our Selection

You never know what you’ll find in our holiday and seasonal sale section, so stop back often for big yet low-cost surprises. Looking to change up your Christmas Tree Ornaments and don’t want to spend a whole lot of money? We’re likely to have our famous Walter Drake Christmas ornaments at deeply discounted prices here. We often have our old-fashioned Christmas bubble lights and nightlights. 

Sale Holiday Décor, Merchandise & Products

Celebrate the colors, sights and traditions of fall with our sale fall décor items. Shop autumn-inspired jewelry, wall décor as well as other holiday merchandise for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day. You’ll often find a great selection of sale patriotic décor and items that are great for the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day or Flag Day.

For decades, Walter Drake has been the go-to for seasonal holiday items. Many of our seasonal items and home and office products can be personalized, so be sure to take advantage of our complimentary personalization service.

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