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  1. 377857

    $11.99 $5.99
  2. 350528

    $19.99 $14.99
  3. Cotton Hanging Towel - Checked-354570 Cotton Hanging Towel - Checked-354570
    6 Options Available

    $9.99 $7.99
  4. 376509

    $9.99 $8.99
  5. Cotton Hanging Towel - Solid-354569 Cotton Hanging Towel - Solid-354569
    6 Options Available

    $9.99 $7.99
  6. Personalized Chef Apron By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-311015 Personalized Chef Apron By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-311015
    6 Options Available

    $39.99 $29.99
  7. 377102

  8. 373420

  9. 376760

  10. 372216

  11. 369475

  12. 376133

  13. Personalized Monogram Wreath Towel by Home Marketplace-376605 Personalized Monogram Wreath Towel by Home Marketplace-376605
    11 Options Available

  14. 376035

    $7.99 $3.12
  15. 376030

    $15.99 $6.32
  16. 375113

    $7.99 $1.92
  17. 376048

    $11.99 $3.72
  18. 377621

    $4.99 $1.92
  19. 377107

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  20. 370895

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  21. 373419

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  22. 376198

    $14.99 $6.62
  23. 374200

    $24.99 $11.12
  24. 374199

    $24.99 $11.12
  25. 373417

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  26. 372847

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  27. 370889

    $14.99 $4.02
  28. 374619

    $9.99 $2.62
  29. 376191

    $11.99 $5.72
  30. 374193

    $16.99 $6.72
  31. 364701

    $16.99 $6.72

Kitchen Linen Sets

When you’re cooking up a storm for family dinners or a party, the kitchen can get a little messy — and sometimes a lot messy. Walter Drake kitchen linens will help keep this area clean while also adding a pop of style. Even when you’re being careful, spills and sloshes still happen. These affordable cooking linens can protect counters, appliances and even you. Many colors and styles are available as well to refresh the décor as they leave everything sparkling.

Versatile, Colorful Kitchen Protection

Our catalog includes everything you need for cleaning up after preparing a four-course meal or just making the morning tea. From experience, the most important kitchen linens are towels and cloths for quickly wiping up crumbs or liquid. Our selection of kitchen towels includes hanging towels that conveniently attach to oven handles and magnetic towels you can stick to the refrigerator. A complete kitchen cloth set comes with enough towels to keep rotating them through the wash so you’re never stuck with dirty linens.

Of course, the best way to deal with messes is to prevent them from happening in the first place. A high-quality kitchen apron will shield the chef from accidents so their clothes aren’t ruined. Order simple waist aprons or cover your upper body as well with a cobbler apron. We also offer personalized aprons with a name embroidered across the front. 

Unique Linens for Home Cooking

You’ll be ready to make the kitchen your domain with a good set of exclusive kitchen linens from Walter Drake. Click on a category above or use our search options to find items with the material, color and price range you want. We are known for useful home-based merchandise and are adding new products every week to meet your needs.

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