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  1. 371076

  2. 374738

  3. LivingSURE™ Bed Wedge Mattress Gap Filler-372959 LivingSURE™ Bed Wedge Mattress Gap Filler-372959
    3 Sizes Available

  4. Quilted Diamond Mattress Pad-373598 Quilted Diamond Mattress Pad-373598
    4 Sizes Available

  5. 310583

  6. Solid Wrap Around Elastic Bed Skirt by OakRidge™-352789 Solid Wrap Around Elastic Bed Skirt by OakRidge™-352789
    7 Options Available

  7. 351195

  8. 374670

  9. Lavender Scented Mattress Cover by OakRidge™-374577 Lavender Scented Mattress Cover by OakRidge™-374577
    4 Sizes Available

  10. Digital Quilted Heated Mattress Pad By OakRidge™-377989 Digital Quilted Heated Mattress Pad By OakRidge™-377989
    4 Sizes Available

    $139.99 $79.99
  11. 378350

  12. Diamond Puff Pad Mattress Topper-358242 Diamond Puff Pad Mattress Topper-358242
    4 Sizes Available

  13. 376086

    $4.99 $1.12
  14. Eucalyptus Scented Mattress Cover by OakRidge™-374578 Eucalyptus Scented Mattress Cover by OakRidge™-374578
    4 Sizes Available

    $59.99 $8.92
  15. Copper Infused Mattress Cover by OakRidge™-374579 Copper Infused Mattress Cover by OakRidge™-374579
    2 Sizes Available

    $44.99 $8.92
  16. 376271

    $29.99 $6.32
  17. Charcoal Mattress Cover by OakRidge™-374580 Charcoal Mattress Cover by OakRidge™-374580
    4 Sizes Available

    $59.99 $11.72

You spend a third of your day in bed. Make sure that time counts with bed accessories from Walter Drake. Whether you need a new alarm clock to wake you up in the morning or bed skirt pins to make sure everything stays in place, you’ll find the bed accessories you need, plus a few things you never even knew existed when you shop at Walter Drake. Take advantage of our affordable prices and extensive selection to upgrade your bedroom today.

Bedding Accessories

If you’re sick of your bedding slipping or just not sitting right, Walter Drake can help. We carry a large selection of bedding accessories that are deigned to tame your sheets and keep your skirts where they belong. Order Adjustable Sheet Straps to keep sheets from slipping.

Bed Accessories

Once the bed is made and the sheets are pulled up, it’s time to think about bed accessories. A mattress lifter or bed risers can give the extra height you need to reach your bed comfortably or to provide storage space underneath the frame. For old or uncomfortable mattresses, a gel memory foam mattress topper can make your bed feel like new. For chilly winter nights, a heated throw blanket is always a welcome addition. For those that like to watch TV in bed, a simple bed caddy offers the perfect place to store a remote or two.

Shop at Walter Drake for the best selection of bed accessories, including mattress protectors, pillow protectors, bed risers, bed caddies and more. Enjoy an unbeatable selection of interesting and high-quality products that are designed to make your nighttime indulgences a little more enjoyable. Shop online from the comfort of your own home or bed and take advantage of our affordable prices.

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