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The Heart of the Home

It is said that the heart of the home is in the kitchen and it is easy to see why. Families gather at the kitchen and at the tabletop to talk about everything from everyday reports to major family news. Because the kitchen and the tabletop are such important factors in the wellbeing of your family’s physical and emotional health, the Walter Drake catalog of kitchen, tabletop and dining room products are hand-picked to help you in both your daily and your occasional, special-occasion chores in the kitchen.

A Huge Assortment of Kitchen and Tabletop Products

In our kitchen and tabletop selection of products at Walter Drake, you’ll find everything from high-quality bakeware and cookware, Gadgets and Food Prep Items, Cookbooks, Small Appliances, food storage, coffee and tea accessories, linens, organizational items, décor, glassware, flatware and stools. Everything you need — or will need in the future — is available in our online Walter Drake catalog of kitchen, dining room and tabletop items.

Practical Gadgets, Corn on the Cob Trays and More

Shop functional, practical food preparation items like cutlery and utensils, mixing and measuring products, choppers and graters and more. Whether you’re a professional chef — or just like to think you could be — you’ll find all the gadgets you’ll need for every occasion. Is it sweet corn season? Check out our exclusive corn on the cob trays. Looking to transport your famous peanut butter pie to your church potluck? Check out our Food Storage Items for the best on-the-go food storage solutions in our Walter Drake catalog of kitchen items. Looking for the best Dutch oven to help make your mom’s pot roast recipe? Browse our selection of Bakeware and Cookware for affordable, high-quality pieces that are great to buy for yourself and to give as gifts.

Table Covers, Tablecloths and Protectively Functional Linens

From kitchen prep and accessories to a well-dressed table, you’ll find it all at Walter Drake. You’ll find table covers, tablecloths and kitchen linens and accessories that will take you from your everyday meals into Christmas and holiday get-togethers with the extended family. Our table covers are beautiful, functional and offer protective layers to keep that heirloom dining room table in tip-top shape so it can be passed along to the next generation of family members.

Shop the entire Walter Drake catalog for the best in kitchen, tabletop and dining room products that will help you prepare something spectacular.

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