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  8. Energy Balance Bracelet-359995 Energy Balance Bracelet-359995
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Improve health and mobility from the comfort of your own home with fitness and exercise equipment from Walter Drake. Shop for pedal exercisers designed to make home workouts effective and easy. Our selection of fitness equipment can be used by beginners and more advanced users as well to supplement their daily fitness routines. Pedal or walk while you sit or improve your strength using our high-quality, affordable equipment.

Work Out at Home or at the Office

Working out at home is a great option for those that can’t get away to go to the gym. Busy parents, homebound individuals and those that live too far from the gym can all benefit from home fitness equipment. Our selection of lightweight and easy to use fitness equipment is designed for beginners through advanced users, making it easy to customize your workout routine to your needs and your ability levels.

Not at home during the day? No problem. A portable sitting treadmill, folding pedal exerciser or other leg exercise machine can help you get your workout in while you answer emails, take client calls and otherwise go about your day. Desk-friendly exercise equipment can be a great solution for office workers and those with limited mobility and with many exercise bike pedals to choose from, sneakers are optional.

Fitness Trackers and More

Get more from your workout with fitness accessories. A step-tracking watch can help remind you to get up and move during your day while other accessories like energy balancing bracelets, weight loss bracelets and As Seen On TV fitness devices can keep your goals in sight and your workouts fresh.

If you’re ready to take control of your health and wellness, shop at Walter Drake for fun and effective fitness and exercise equipment. Our impressive selection of unique fitness items, affordable prices and fast shipping make meeting your health and wellness goals easier than ever.

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