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  1. Fleece Lined Leggings by Sawyer Creek-358369 Fleece Lined Leggings by Sawyer Creek-358369
    3 Options Available

  2. Mock Turtleneck Dicky-310288 Mock Turtleneck Dicky-310288
    2 Options Available

  3. 35º Below Chill Chaser Cuffed Shawl, Solid-377875 35º Below Chill Chaser Cuffed Shawl, Solid-377875
    9 Options Available

    $24.99 $9.99
  4. Snap Front Sweatshirt Cardigan by Sawyer Creek™-370495 Snap Front Sweatshirt Cardigan by Sawyer Creek™-370495
    8 Options Available

  5. Chickadees and Cardinal Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek-348968 Chickadees and Cardinal Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek-348968
    4 Sizes Available

  6. Dove of Peace Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek™-374088 Dove of Peace Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek™-374088
    4 Sizes Available

  7. Embellished Winter Tree Scene Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek™-370678 Embellished Winter Tree Scene Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek™-370678
    4 Sizes Available

  8. Embroidered Holiday Bouquet Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek™-378121 Embroidered Holiday Bouquet Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek™-378121
    4 Sizes Available

  9. V-Neck Purple Terry Caftan by Sawyer Creek™-372658 V-Neck Purple Terry Caftan by Sawyer Creek™-372658
    3 Sizes Available

  10. Striped Fleece Mock Turtleneck Dicky-374097 Striped Fleece Mock Turtleneck Dicky-374097
    3 Options Available

    $9.99 $2.62
  11. Britt's Knits® Fleece-Lined Leggings-372329 Britt's Knits® Fleece-Lined Leggings-372329
    3 Options Available

    $19.99 $4.92
  12. Micro Fleece Vest By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-325818 Micro Fleece Vest By Sawyer Creek Studio™​-325818
    9 Options Available

    $16.99 $7.62
  13. Embroidered Cascading Snowflakes Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek-359981 Embroidered Cascading Snowflakes Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek-359981
    4 Sizes Available

    $39.99 $19.92
  14. 374025

    $34.99 $12.12
  15. 372200

    $32.99 $9.42
  16. Chambray Ruffle Collar Blouse Dicky-374094 Chambray Ruffle Collar Blouse Dicky-374094
    2 Options Available

    $12.99 $3.82
  17. 376225

    $7.99 $3.62
  18. 376252

    $17.99 $8.12
  19. Religious Sweatshirt-370860 Religious Sweatshirt-370860
    4 Sizes Available

    $39.99 $18.92
  20. Peace & Joy Applique Tree Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek™-372551 Peace & Joy Applique Tree Sweatshirt by Sawyer Creek™-372551
    2 Sizes Available

    $34.99 $19.62

Update your wardrobe with loungers and tops from Walter Drake. Our selection of high-quality clothing and accessories includes everything you need to look and feel your best. From loose-fitting loungers in bold patterns and night gowns to fashion accessories and modesty panels, you’ll find an impressive selection of all of the latest styles at Walter Drake. We carry a full range of sizes to fit every wearer and shipping is always fast.

All the Best Styles in One Place

Shopping online for clothing can be overwhelming, but at Walter Drake we make it easy by gathering all of the best styles in one place. Find clothing and accessories in the latest colors, patterns and styles quickly and easily. Each item is available in several sizes and additional color options are displayed on the main page, so you can quickly browse through our collection to find what you need.

At Walter Drake, we do the hard work of keeping up with the trends so you don’t have to. When you shop with us, you can shop with confidence knowing that each piece is hand-picked for quality, style and affordability. Just browse our selection, pick out your favorites and we’ll ship your clothing straight to your door.

Casual Style

When comfort is key, Walter Drake is here to deliver. Our loungers and tops are flowing, breathable and lightweight, making them the perfect choice for every day. For business-casual style, choose a Dicky Blouse or a Dicky turtleneck in your choice of color. For lounging around the house, a floral lounger offers comfort and color. A lounger can also be used as a ladies’ night gown for warm summer nights. Whether you’re staying home or heading out, Walter Drake has the casual styles you need to always look and feel your best.

Visit Walter Drake to stock up on all of your favorite casual clothing styles. Our top-notch selection of loungers and casual clothing options will have you feeling relaxed and comfortable while you hang out at home or head out. With dozens of styles to choose from and affordable prices, updating your wardrobe is easy at Walter Drake.

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