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  1. 377411

    $14.99 $4.99
  2. 371498

  3. 303565

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  5. Personalized Bible Case-355446 Personalized Bible Case-355446
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Book Accessories and Reading Accessories

Why, hello, book lover! You’ve arrived at just the right place to find the book accessories and reading accessories that will accommodate all of your reading-inspired needs — and wants. Walter Drake has unique book accessories for yourself or to give as gifts. From lap tables and wedge book pillows to bookmarks, there is something in our selection of reading accessories at Walter Drake that is sure to surprise and delight.

Personalized Book Accessories

A bookworm can never have too many bookmarks, which is why Walter Drake has such a fantastic selection of bookmarks from which to choose. Shop our bookmarks and personalized book accessories to give as a wonderful gift to someone you love. We also have bookmark sets, origami bookmarks, magnetic bookmarks, Bible tabs and crocheted bookmarks available in our selection. Go ahead — browse our variety of bookmarks and personalized book accessories for something that you can’t resist.

Lap Tables and Book Stands

Read comfortably wherever you may be with our book stands and lap tables. Whether you’re in bed, in your favorite chair or on the bus, our lap tables are convenient ways to prop your book at an angle that reduces neck and eye strain. Speaking of eye strain, don’t forget to check out our selection of portable book lights and magnifiers to help you see clearly, no matter what the lighting may be.

Walter Drake: Hard-to-Find Items at Great Prices

Our reading accessories range from desktop organization products, reading glasses and eyeglass holders to religious and inspirational books, protectors and caddies and more. Our fun and functional book accessories are must-see items that we’ve thoughtfully collected to suit every book lover on your list. While you are here at Walter Drake, be sure to check out our other assortment of hobby and leisure items. We have a great collection of books, videos and music items, hobbies for men and hobbies for women as well as crossword puzzles and games. We even have those hard-to-find items like portable CD players, cassette and VHS storage and coloring books for adults.

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