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Hand-Picked Kids’ Items, Supplies and More

Welcome to the Walter Drake hand-picked kids’ nook for the young — and the young at heart! Have a special pint-sized pal in your life? Our selection of toys, games, supplies and personalized items for kids will be your go-to for the first 18 years — and beyond. Shop our all-ages collection of kids’ items and toys that are perfect for every stage in that special someone’s life. From toys and kids’ games to keepsakes as well as pens and pencils, they’ll be well-stocked and ready to play, create and have fun wherever their days may take them.

Many Kinds of Toys, Games and Kids’ Products

Shop Walter Drake for a fantastic selection of products that hone a wide range of skills and foster developmental milestones in a child’s life. From fine-motor-skill building items like puzzles, shape-sorting cubes, blocks and barn sets to creativity-inspiring items like sketch books, food, dolls and dish sets and patriotic pencils, you’ll find it all here at Walter Drake.

Personalized Items for Kids

Looking for Personalized Items for Kids that are fantastic to give as gifts? Look no further than our selection of personalized kids’ items that are sure to be a cherished keepsake item for many years to come. Shop Walter Drake for personalized chairs, personalized rockers, personalized baby shoes, personalized pencils, personalized kids’ Christmas letters from Santa, personalized school memory books and much more!

Affordable, Functional and Unique Values

For decades, Walter Drake has been America’s go-to for affordable, functional and unique values that are difficult to find. From practical home helpers to personalized stationery, calendars and address labels, Walter Drake has it all. Shop our entire site and Special Offers for something fantastic.

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