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  1. 378160

  2. 378233

  3. 378237

  4. 365032

  5. 378244

  6. 378339

  7. 378372

  8. 378488


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  9. 378217

  10. 378654

  11. Durable Aluminum Rollator-378541 Durable Aluminum Rollator-378541
    2 Options Available

  12. Durable Steel Rollator-378539 Durable Steel Rollator-378539
    2 Options Available

  13. 353275

  14. 378354

  15. 378559

  16. 378697

  17. Personalized Making Memories Doormat-378544 Personalized Making Memories Doormat-378544
    2 Options Available

  18. Personalized My Garage Doormat-378525 Personalized My Garage Doormat-378525
    2 Options Available

  19. 378583

  20. 378306

  21. 378641

  22. 378652

  23. 378192

  24. 378381

    $29.99 $24.99
  25. 378294

  26. 378377

  27. 378534

  28. 378209

  29. 378643

  30. 378219

  31. 378259

  32. 378208

  33. 378374

  34. 378243

  35. Confidence by Easy Comforts™ Absorbent Underwear, Case-378486 Confidence by Easy Comforts™ Absorbent Underwear, Case-378486
    5 Sizes Available


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Walter Drake: New, Exclusive Items are Here

At Walter Drake, we are proud that we have offered our customers the best values, the newest items and on-trend products since 1947. We also offer exclusive items for which our customers return to us year after year. For decades, we’ve enjoyed a loyal following of Americans who know where to find unique products at the lowest prices.

Fun, Fresh New Arrivals

We are especially excited for our new arrivals because they are a fun, fresh way to change up our inventory. They are also a great way for you to replenish your Walter Drake supplies like Walter Drake calendars, greeting cards, return address labels and seals. When you shop what’s new at Walter Drake, you’ll always find something that’s unexpected and super-exciting. Because our inventory is always changing, stop back often to see our new arrivals.

The Latest Household, Outdoors & Office Items

From home office essentials, Walter Drake Christmas cards and furniture items to health and beauty, home gadgets and household accessories, you’ll find a sprinkling of the latest, newest and most improved items that you can find online. 

Walter Drake: A Little Bit of Everything

At Walter Drake, we truly have a little bit of everything; you’ll find an entertaining sampling of all of these items here in this “what’s new” nook of our website. Have questions about any of the items you see on this page or are you looking for something in particular that’s hard to find? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Our customer service team is here to answer any questions you may have.

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