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  1. The Kathleen Vinyl Tablecover By Home-Style Kitchen™-358487 The Kathleen Vinyl Tablecover By Home-Style Kitchen™-358487
    Icon of product feature
    24 Options Available

    $19.99 $9.99
  2. Country Rose Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride-368834 Country Rose Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride-368834
    4 Sizes Available

    $18.99 $9.99
  3. White Rose Lace Tablecloth-344548 White Rose Lace Tablecloth-344548
    4 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $9.99
  4. Crocheted Lace Vinyl Table Cover-344657 Crocheted Lace Vinyl Table Cover-344657
    2 Sizes Available

  5. 375996

  6. Fern Vinyl Table Cover by Home-Style Kitchen-366988 Fern Vinyl Table Cover by Home-Style Kitchen-366988
    4 Options Available

  7. Holiday Expressions Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-373921 Holiday Expressions Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-373921
    2 Sizes Available

  8. William Roberts Blue Stripe Tablecloth-367567 William Roberts Blue Stripe Tablecloth-367567
    4 Sizes Available

  9. Illusion Weave Vinyl Drop Table Cover By Home-Style Kitchen™-356714 Illusion Weave Vinyl Drop Table Cover By Home-Style Kitchen™-356714
    16 Options Available

    $19.99 $6.92
  10. Sophia Tablecloth by OakRidge™-358502 Sophia Tablecloth by OakRidge™-358502
    18 Options Available

    $29.99 $5.92
  11. Bordeaux Floral Vinyl Tablecover-344552 Bordeaux Floral Vinyl Tablecover-344552
    12 Options Available

    $19.99 $6.92
  12. Summer Straw Vinyl Table Cover by Home Style Kitchen-367014 Summer Straw Vinyl Table Cover by Home Style Kitchen-367014
    11 Options Available

    $18.99 $5.22
  13. Flamingo Fun Vinyl Table Cover By Chef's Pride™-374597 Flamingo Fun Vinyl Table Cover By Chef's Pride™-374597
    2 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $4.92
  14. Festive Flamingos Vinyl Table Cover By Chef's Pride™-375928 Festive Flamingos Vinyl Table Cover By Chef's Pride™-375928
    2 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $4.92
  15. Fireworks Vinyl Table Cover By Chef's Pride™-374604 Fireworks Vinyl Table Cover By Chef's Pride™-374604
    2 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $4.42
  16. Lovely Lace Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-374599 Lovely Lace Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-374599
    5 Options Available

    $19.99 $9.92
  17. Botanical Bliss Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-374592 Botanical Bliss Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-374592
    2 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $7.92
  18. Flowing Flowers Vinyl Tablecover By Home-Style Kitchen™-355907 Flowing Flowers Vinyl Tablecover By Home-Style Kitchen™-355907
    10 Options Available

    $19.99 $6.92
  19. Rose Trellis Vinyl Tablecover-363042 Rose Trellis Vinyl Tablecover-363042
    4 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $6.12
  20. 374502

    $19.99 $4.42
  21. American Stars Vinyl Drop Tablecover-362738 American Stars Vinyl Drop Tablecover-362738
    2 Sizes Available

    $17.99 $5.02
  22. 374501

    $19.99 $4.42
  23. 373919

    $19.99 $7.92
  24. Spring Tulips Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-374593 Spring Tulips Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-374593
    3 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $7.92
  25. Wildflowers Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride-373217 Wildflowers Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride-373217
    2 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $7.92
  26. Fruit Harvest Vinyl Tablecover-363463 Fruit Harvest Vinyl Tablecover-363463
    2 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $7.92
  27. 375932

    $19.99 $4.92
  28. 374500

    $19.99 $4.42
  29. 374639

    $19.99 $4.42
  30. Foulard Tablecloth by William Roberts-368999 Foulard Tablecloth by William Roberts-368999
    4 Sizes Available

    $29.99 $8.02
  31. Snowflake Plaid Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-372390 Snowflake Plaid Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-372390
    2 Sizes Available

    $17.99 $3.92
  32. 367200

    $19.99 $4.42
  33. 374503

    $19.99 $4.42
  34. 363829

    $19.99 $4.92
  35. 374595

    $19.99 $4.92
  36. Sunflower Harvest Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-373915 Sunflower Harvest Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride™-373915
    2 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $4.92
  37. 363044

    $19.99 $5.02
  38. Patchwork Vinyl Tablecover by Home-Style Kitchen™-358639 Patchwork Vinyl Tablecover by Home-Style Kitchen™-358639
    2 Options Available

    $16.99 $5.52
  39. Watercolor Vinyl Table Cover by Home-Style Kitchen-366972 Watercolor Vinyl Table Cover by Home-Style Kitchen-366972
    4 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $6.92
  40. Butterfly Bliss Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride-373219 Butterfly Bliss Vinyl Table Cover by Chef's Pride-373219
    2 Sizes Available

    $19.99 $7.92

Protect your table and showcase your style with drop-style tablecloths from Walter Drake. A tablecloth can make a big impact on a space, adding color and style. Order a solid-color table cover for everyday use or pick up a seasonal print to add a special touch to your favorite gathering spaces. We carry tablecloths in fabric and vinyl varieties, offering flexibility to fit into any lifestyle. Browse our selection of table covers in oblong, round and square shapes to match your table and to transform your space in an instant.

Fabric & Vinyl Tablecloths

When it comes to drop-style table covers, Walter Drake has you covered with a selection of both fabric and vinyl options to choose from. Enjoy the elegance and long life of a fabric tablecloth or opt for an easy-to-clean vinyl tablecloth for high-traffic areas. Fabric tablecloths are made to be laundered as needed while a simple wipe-down will remove most messes from vinyl tablecloths.

Both fabric and vinyl tablecloths come in a variety of colors and prints, so finding the perfect table covering for your space or event is easy. All of our tablecloths come in several sizes and shapes to perfectly fit any table. Drop-style tablecloths have extra material on all sides to hang elegantly over the edges. 

Table Covers for All Occasions

At Walter Drake, you’ll find table covers for all occasions. Our tablecloths come in a myriad of colors and pattern choices to celebrate the season, highlight a special event or perfectly blend in with your party decor. From lightweight and washable vinyl tablecloths to picnic tablecloths and exquisite lace tablecloths, our impressive selection of table covers make it easy to create the perfect design for everyday or for a special occasion.

Visit Walter Drake to find the best selection of tablecloths and dining table covers for everyday use. We carry high-quality table covers at affordable prices, so updating your home or prepping for a party won’t have to break the bank. Browse our entire selection of drop-style tablecloths today to find the right designs for your needs.

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