3-In-1 Sponge Scraper by Chef's Pride™


Messes are no match for this 3-In-1 Sponge Scraper and squeegee! The sponge features 2 scrubbing sides—short bristles for stubborn baked-on foods and longer bristles for a softer touch on delicate items. Just add dish soap! Flexible silicone design with scraper really reaches into corners and curves of pots, pans and more, and the squeegee leaves countertops and sinks sparkling clean. Silicone is safe for glass, odor-resistant and reusable. Dish sponge and food scraper combo measures 6 1/2" L x 3" W. By Chef's Pride™.
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  • Silicone construction
  • 6 1/2" long x 3" wide
  • Features short bristles for stubborn baked-on foods and longer bristles for a softer touch on delicate items
  • Built-in squeegee leaves countertops and sinks sparkling clean
  • Silicone is safe for glass, odor-resistant and reusable
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