4' Plaid Pull-Up Tree by Holiday Peak™


Your one-and-done secret to happy holidays … this pre-lit, pre-decorated 4-ft. Plaid Pull-Up Tree pops up out of the box ready to delight! Boasting lush, lifelike branches and holly leaves, the 4-ft. pull up Christmas tree arrives with classic trimmings in place: 100 clear lights, 52 assorted ornaments (natural pinecones, holly berry clusters, small and large gold stars, shiny red and green balls), 20 feet of red tartan plaid ribbon with gold metallic accents and matching bow topper. Simply set this pop-up tree in the sturdy plastic stand, pull it up, plug it in and enjoy. The instant pull up Christmas tree not only sets up in seconds, it collapses just as easily and stores away completely ready for next Christmas. The pre lit pull up Christmas tree is UL® listed for indoor use; 8-ft. cord. The laid Christmas tree is crafted of PVC/metal/wire. 48" H x 20" dia. By Holiday Peak™.
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  • Pull-Up Holiday Tree – Designed to set up in seconds, this festive Christmas tree pops up out of the box and is completely ready for display, it’s sure to bring joy to your world this holiday season and give you back time for other festivities
  • Pre-Lit and Decorated – Featuring lush, lifelike branches and holly leaves, this pre-lit pull up Christmas tree arrives with beautiful trimmings in place – 100 clear lights, 52 assorted ornaments (natural pinecones, holly berry clusters, small and large gold stars, shiny red and green balls), 20 feet of red tartan plaid ribbon with gold metallic accents and matching bow topper
  • Simple Setup – Simply set this pop-up tree in the sturdy metal stand, pull it up, plug it in and enjoy, it’s UL listed for indoor use with an 8-foot cord, so it can be displayed anywhere in your home
  • Collapsible – The plaid Christmas tree’s pull-up design not only sets up in seconds, but it collapses just as easily and stores away to make next year’s holiday just as easy
  • Product Specifications – Exclusively created by Holiday Peak, this instant pull-up Christmas tree is crafted of PVC/metal/wire and measures 48” high x 20” dia.
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