Amore™ Niacinamide Moisturizer


Revitalize your skin with Amore™ Niacinamide Moisturizer. This potent skin moisturizer is a game-changer for your skin’s hydration and appearance. Think of it as a secret weapon against dark spots and blemishes, leaving your skin looking fantastic. Packed with niacinamide, a very stable form of Vitamin B3, this skin cream is a powerhouse for brightening and rejuvenating sun-damaged skin. Suitable for all skin types, and safe for oily, dry or sensitive skin. For best results, layer after serums morning and night. 1.78 fl. oz.
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  • Contains 1.78 fl. oz.
  • Niacinamide moisturizer brightens and rejuvenates sun-damaged skin
  • Perfect for dark spot treatment and blemish control
  • Suitable for all skin types, and safe for oily, dry or sensitive skin
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