Cat Sponges by Chef's Pride, Set of 4


These hardworking cats tackle kitchen chores with style … washing dishes, scrubbing pots and pans, scouring sinks, wiping countertops and more! Shaped like cats with cute kitty faces, each sponge compound scouring pad features 3 layers for strong durability, with one textured side for scrubbing and one smooth side for soft sponging and cleaning. Fun, functional and purr-fect for cat lovers, the set includes 4 different color cleaning sponges, so you can earmark one for dishes, one for sinks and one for countertops. Exclusively designed by Chef's Pride in assorted colors; we'll choose for you. Set of 4 dish sponges. Each, 5 1/2" L x 3" W x 1 1/4" D.
This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Wash dishes, scrub pots and pans, scour sinks, wipe countertops and more
  • Each cat-shaped sponge features 3 durable layers
  • Exclusively designed by Chef's Pride
  • Assorted colors, we'll choose for you
  • Set of 4, each 5 1/2" long x 3" wide x 1 1/4" deep
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