Christmas Giggling Dog Toys, Set of 2


These interactive Christmas Giggling Dog Toys "giggle" when shaken, squeezed or tossed—keeping your dog playfully engaged and entertained during the holidays! A fun alternative to squeaky toys, each stuffed dog toy's soft, textured body features a tube inside that makes a "giggling" sound when shaken, enticing your dog's natural curiosity. After fetching, tossing and shaking, the soft, Christmas-themed friends are perfect for post-play snuggling. Set of 2 interactive dog toys includes Snowman (9 3/4" L x 7 1/8" W) and Santa (13" L x 7 3/4" W). Polyester.
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  • "Giggling" Plush Dog Toys, Set of 2
  • Plush toy set includes one snowman and one Santa
  • Special inner tube makes a giggling sound when they are played with
  • Polyester
  • Snowman measures 9 3/4" long x 7 1/8" wide. Santa measures 13" long x 7 3/4" wide.
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