Lighted Poinsettia


A classic symbol of hope and good will, this Christmas poinsettia glows with 43 miniature white lights — bringing brilliance and joy to your holiday home. A colorful, sparkling decoration to light up any room, share through a window or display on a covered porch, the time-honored Christmas flower infuses any space with holiday cheer. Arriving ready to display with no assembly or batteries required, the poinsettia Christmas light's transparent red frame allows the dazzling lights to be seen from both sides. Complete with a suction cup for easy window display, the lighted poinsettia comes in a sturdy box for protected storage after the holidays. Crafted of durable plastic and metal with 43 mini, incandescent white lights and 29" L cord. UL® listed. Measures 14" x 17".
  • Complete with a suction cup for easy window display
  • Crafted of durable plastic and metal
  • Includes 43 mini, incandescent white lights
  • UL® listed
  • 14" x 17" with 29" long cord
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