Compact Sewing Machine


Compact sewing machine is battery-operated, lightweight and portable. Features double thread and speed capacity, auto rewind, foot or hand switch operation and forward stitching. Small sewing machine includes foot pedal, 4 bobbins and instruction manual—everything you need to get the job done! Requires 4 AA batteries (not included). 8" W x 7 3/4" H x 3 3/4" D.
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  • Compact Sewing Machine
  • Great for small projects, mending, repairs and hemming
  • Battery operated
  • requires 4 AA batteries (not included)
  • Easily controlled with a foot pedal or a hand switch
  • Features include double thread and speed capacity, auto rewind and forward stitching
  • Includes 4 bobbins and an instruction manual
  • Measures 8" wide x 7 3/4" high x 3 3/4" deep
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