Curved Chopping Knife by Chef's Pride™


For easy chopping and dicing, this Curved Chopping Knife is way ahead of the curve! Stainless steel curved cooking knife with comfortable wooden handles uses momentum to make quick work of chopping veggies, herbs and more, while keeping fingers safely out of the way. You'll love how smooth and easy it is to make salads and prep ingredients for healthy meals. Great for chopping and freezing your farmer's market haul or garden harvest too! Makes a great gift! Kitchen knife measures 9 5/8" W x 6" H. Hand wash. By Chef's Pride™.
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  • Stainless steel with comfortable wooden handles
  • 9 5/8" wide x 6" high
  • Curved blade uses momentum to make quick work of chopping veggies, herbs and more
  • Hand wash
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