Dawn® Stainless Steel Scouring Pads, 3-Pack


Keep pots, pans and tough kitchen surfaces sparkling clean and bright with stainless scouring pads from trusted home brand Dawn®. Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, they scour away even baked-on food and messes without scratching surfaces, and each scrubbing pad can be reused multiple times. Set of 3 Dawn® Stainless Steel Scouring Pads.
  • Powerful Scrubbing Performance: Designed to tackle even the toughest baked-on food and grease, these stainless steel scouring pads make cleaning pots, pans and kitchen surfaces effortless
  • Durable and Long-Lasting: Made from high-quality stainless steel, these pads hold their shape and strength through multiple uses, providing reliable scrubbing power
  • Safe for Tough Messes: Effectively scours without scratching, making them perfect for cleaning cookware, grills and other hard surfaces
  • Multipurpose Cleaning Tool: Ideal for kitchens, garages and outdoor use, these scrubbing pads work great on stovetops, sinks and even tough outdoor grime
  • Set of 3 Scrubbers: Includes 3 reusable Dawn® Stainless Steel Scouring Pads, ensuring you always have one on hand for heavy-duty cleaning tasks
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