Daytime Wrist Support


Protect your hands and wrists from painful repetitive strain with the proper wrist support. This custom fit wrist brace is designed to relieve hand pain while typing, mousing and other activities that can cause nerve pressure, leading to painful repetitive use injuries. Find relief from carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, arthritis and other joint and ligament problems. Features a lightweight splint to control range of motion and three adjustable straps with secure hook and loop straps to adjust a perfect fit. Comfortable and convenient to wear, easy to remove. Fits left or right hand. One size fits most.
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  • Designed to relieve hand pain from repetitive use injuries
  • Relieves carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, arthritis and more
  • Lightweight splint controls range of motion
  • Hook and loop straps adjust to a perfect fit
  • One size fits most on left or right hand
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