Easy Grip Loop Scissors


Simply squeeze the unique handles on these mini easy grip scissors to easily snip with a firm, comfy grip. Offering welcome help for anyone with dexterity issues or weakened hand strength, the lightweight scissors feature a long, continuous loop handle that automatically springs back open to ready position after each cut. Designed with durable plastic handles and rounded stainless steel blades, these long loop scissors can be used in either right or left hand—so they're also great for crafting with your grandchildren who haven't yet established hand dominance. Helping you easily clip coupons, trim scrapbook photos, sewing thread and just about anything. 8" L x 3" W.
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  • Mini easy grip scissors to easily
  • Help for anyone weakened hand strength
  • Long, continuous loop plastic handle
  • Springs back to ready position after each cut
  • 8" L x 3" W
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