Embossed Dirt Trapper Door Mat


Embossed Dirt Trapper Door Mat traps dirt and debris to keep it outdoors where it belongs. Perfect outside or inside any entryway door, its stylish molded embossed design acts as a shoe scraper while providing a safe, non-slip surface on the top and bottom. Choose from 3 colors to complement any décor. 80% polypropylene/20% rubber. To clean the welcome mat, simply shake, sweep, vacuum or hose off and line dry. Dirt trapping mat measures 30" L x 18" W x 1/4" H.
  • Measuring 30" long x 18" wide x 1/4" high, this mat is available in 3 colors to complement any décorEmbossed door mat effectively traps dirt, mud and debris, preventing messes from being tracked indoors
  • Use it inside or outside any entryway to keep floors cleaner while adding a touch of style to your space
  • The molded embossed surface acts as a shoe scraper, while the rubber backing provides a stable, slip-resistant grip
  • Simply shake, sweep, vacuum or hose off and line dry to keep your mat looking fresh and functional
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