Embossed Leather-Like Anti-Fatigue Mat


Stand up to body fatigue with this ultra-cushioning Embossed Leather-Like Anti-Fatigue Mat. Perfect for kitchen, workshop or anywhere you stand for long periods, its plush 1/2" thick design cushions legs, feet and joints to keep you comfortable. Embossed leather-like texture on top adds style, while beveled edges and a non-slip back make every step safe and smooth. Eco PVC foam. Kitchen mat measures 30" L x 18" W.
  • This ultra-cushioning anti-fatigue mat is designed to reduce strain on legs, feet and joints, helping to alleviate discomfort from prolonged standing
  • The embossed leather-like texture adds a touch of elegance while providing a smooth, easy-to-clean surface for your kitchen or workspace
  • Beveled edges and a non-slip backing ensure stability, helping to prevent tripping and keeping the mat securely in place
  • With a plush 1/2" thick design, this mat delivers superior support, making it ideal for high-traffic areas where you stand the most
  • Measuring 30" long x 18" wide, this mat fits comfortably in front of sinks, workstations or countertops for added relief and convenience
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