Hand Held Egg Beater by Home Marketplace


Nothing beats the convenience of a handheld mixer! Just like the one grandma used, this egg mixer makes quick work of combining ingredients for smaller jobs—no electricity required and it cleans up in no time. You'll love the retro styling and nonslip handles of this hand egg beater, providing a secure grip while the fast rotary action beats eggs, whips cream, meringue and more. 13" L x 4" W rotary egg beater. Stainless steel egg beater over plastic. Hand wash. By Home Marketplace.
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  • Just like the one grandma used, this egg mixer makes quick work of combining ingredients for smaller jobs—no electricity required and it cleans up in no time
  • You'll love the retro styling and nonslip handles of this hand egg beater, providing a secure grip while the fast rotary action beats eggs, whips cream, meringue and more
  • 13" long x 4" wide rotary egg beater
  • Stainless steel egg beater over plastic, hand wash
  • By Home Marketplace
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