Inflatable Therapeutic Leg Pillow by LivingSURE™


Inflatable Therapeutic Leg Pillow allows you to choose your perfect elevation, for healthier blood circulation and maximum comfort. Versatile wedge leg elevation pillow is also perfect for therapeutic support for your head, back or feet — ideal for better sleep, better digestion and varicose vein prevention. Thanks to durable PVC construction, you can use this inflatable leg cushion under your mattress for comfortable support without investing in a special bed. Inflate it to just the right level of firmness using the included hand pump. When deflated, it's compact for easy travel and storage. 23 1/2" x 21 3/4" x 9 3/4" inflated. Wipe the inflatable pillow with damp cloth. By LivingSURE™.
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  • LivingSURE Inflatable Therapeutic Leg Pillow allows you to choose your perfect elevation, for healthier blood circulation and maximum comfort
  • Versatile wedge leg elevation pillow is also perfect for therapeutic support for your head, back or feet — ideal for better sleep, better digestion and varicose vein prevention
  • Thanks to durable PVC construction, you can use this inflatable leg cushion under your mattress for comfortable support without investing in a special bed
  • Inflate it to just the right level of firmness using the included hand pump and deflate it for compact travel and storage
  • Wipe the 23 1/2" x 21 3/4" x 9 3/4" inflatable pillow with damp cloth
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