Kitchen Wrap and Bag Organizer by Chef's Pride


This space-saving Kitchen Wrap and Bag Organizer holds plastic wrap, wax paper, aluminum foil, parchment paper and freezer bags—neatly corralling up to 6 boxes on 3 sturdy shelves. Keep it handy on your countertop or tuck this kitchen organizer in a cabinet or pantry, and keep all your wraps neatly stored together in one designated place for quick, easy access. Designed in durable, powder-coated wire, the 3-tier kitchen cabinet organizer's shelves remove for custom storage, and this versatile storage hero simply snaps together for easy assembly without tools or fuss. Exclusively designed by Chef's Pride, the wrap and bag organizer conquers clutter, keeping any kitchen tidy. Kitchen wrap holder measures 9" W x 8" H x 7" D.
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  • Powder-coated wire construction
  • Measures 9" wide x 8" high x 7" deep overall
  • Features 3 shelves that can hold up to 6 boxes of foil or wrap total
  • Shelves remove for custom storage
  • Exclusively designed by Chef's Pride
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