Microwave Bacon Tray with Lid by Chef's Pride™


Yes, you can enjoy crispy bacon from the microwave with this Microwave Bacon Tray! The secret is this tray's raised ridges that drain away the grease that can make bacon soggy, allowing you to cook a hot, crispy, satisfying breakfast or BLTs in minutes! Includes lid with handle to stop splatters when cooking bacon in microwave. Made from BPA-free polypropylene, this bacon cooker is dishwasher safe. 11 3/4" L x 10 1/2" W x 3" H. By Chef's Pride™.
  • BPA-free polypropylene
  • 11 3/4" long x 10 1/2" wide x 3" high
  • Raised ridges drain grease for crispy bacon
  • Includes lid with handle to prevent splatters
  • Dishwasher safe
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