Mini Clip Light


Brighten your book and more with a small clip on light! Read comfortably anywhere with this mini clip light. It brightens pages with a powerful LED lamp and a long arm that flexes to any angle. Clip this small LED light to a book, map or journal and enjoy personal illumination at home and on the go. Stands upright on your bedside table for convenient illumination, and it's completely portable so you can move it easily from place to place. Durable ABS plastic. Approx. 1 3/4" L x 1 1/4" W x 1" H. Arm is 6 1/2" L. Requires 3 button cell batteries.
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  • Small but powerful clip on light
  • Features a LED lamp and a long arm that flexes to any angle
  • Also stands upright and is completely portable
  • Durable ABS plastic
  • 1 3/4" long x 1 1/4" wide x 1" high
  • Requires 3 button cell batteries
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