Mini Planting Tools, Set of 3


This set of Mini Planting Tools is perfect for indoor plant care or helping kids learn to garden. Easy to hold and maneuver, this compact trio includes 2 different mini garden shovels and a mini garden rake. Made from durable carbon steel with wood handles, these are real garden tools that can handle heavy use, not just toys. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or introducing the love of gardening to children, these are your trusted tools. Get ready to watch your plants thrive and your little ones blossom into enthusiastic gardeners. Easy to clean, just rinse off after use. Set of 3 tools, each 7 1/4" H.
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  • Sturdy carbon steel and wood construction
  • Set of 3 tools, each 7 1/4" high
  • Set includes 2 different mini garden shovels and a mini garden rake
  • Wipe clean
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