Multi-Angle Grass Shears


Say hello to the ultimate tool for your gardening needs, these Multi-Angle Grass Shears. No more awkward bending or struggling to trim hard-to-reach areas in your garden. Simply press a button and the garden scissors' head rotates up to 360 degrees, allowing you to achieve precise cuts at various angles. Ergonomic design ensures comfort during use. Made from carbon steel and ABS for durability and performance. Garden Shears measure 13 1/2" L x 3 7/8" W x 1 2/3" H.
  • Made from carbon steel and ABS for durability and performance
  • Garden shears measure 13 1/2" long x 3 7/8" wide x 1 2/3" high
  • Head rotates up to 360 degrees, allowing you to achieve precise cuts at various angles
  • Ergonomic design ensures comfort during use
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