Over-the-Sink Roll-Up Drying Rack with Utensil Holder by Home Marketplace


This clever drying rack fits right over kitchen sink, allowing water to drain through … then rolls up for space-saving storage when not in use. Giving you plenty of room to air dry glassware, cups, small bowls and dishes, the space-efficient sink dish rack includes a handy, removable utensil holder to dry silverware. Great for small sinks, apartments, cottages and RVs, the over the sink drying rack is also handy for rinsing fruits and veggies, thawing frozen foods, cooling baked goods and more. Saving your valuable countertop space while preventing water stains and runoff on surface areas, this sink drying rack with utensil holder is a smart solution for any kitchen. Designed in durable plastic with metal spindles, the 2-pc. roll up drying rack design measures 20" L x 12 3/4" W and rolls up to just 3 1/2" W for easy storage under sink or in cabinet drawer.
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  • Clever drying rack fits right over kitchen sink, allowing water to drain through
  • Rolls up for space-saving storage when not in use
  • Includes a removable utensil holder
  • Also handy for rinsing fruits and veggies, thawing frozen foods, cooling baked goods and more
  • Designed in durable plastic with metal spindles
  • 20" long x 12 3/4" wide, rolls up to just 3 1/2" wide
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