Pant Hangers, Set of 12


The Z-shaped open ended pants hangers make it easy to hang and take off clothes with one hand without having to remove the hanger from the closet rod. These non-slip pant hangers are multipurpose, suitable for not only your trousers but also your underwear, dresses, accessories, and more. The slimline design saves more space in your closet, keeping your closet clean and orderly. There’s a PVC coating that stops your pants from slipping onto the bottom of the closet. No more picking up clothes from the floor! Plated metal material with eco-friendly black PVC coating prevents slippage. Set of 12.
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  • Z-shaped open ended pants hangers
  • Slimline design saves more space in your closet
  • Stops your pants from slipping onto the bottom of the closet
  • Plated metal with PVC coating
  • Set of 12
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