Peachy Clean Sponges, Set of 2


Peachy Clean antimicrobial silicone scrubber is infused with silver for odor protection and resistance against mildew. You'll be able to scrub away tough stains and residue, while this silicone sponge is still safe to use on pots and pans. Do not use with bleach. Set of 2, each 4 1/2" x 2 3/4". Made in USA.
This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Antimicrobial silicone scrubber
  • Infused with silver for odor and mildew resistance
  • You'll be able to scrub away tough stains and residue
  • Safe to use on pots and pans
  • Do not use with bleach
  • Set of 2, each 4 1/2" x 2 3/4"
  • Made in USA
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