Personalized Beautiful Bees Ornament


Your hive will be buzzing when each "Bee-utiful Bee" gets a personalized shout-out on this adorable bee Christmas ornament! Custom designed with 1 to 10 busy bees, this custom ornament can be personalized for one special family, or for Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Auntie or anyone. We'll print one name or nickname on top, and add 1 to 10 names for each little honey who sweetens your life. Specify 1 name, nickname or family name to be printed on top; limit 1 line, 18 letters/spaces. Specify 1 to 10 names for bees; limit 1 line, 12 letters/spaces each. "Bee-utiful Bees" is standard. Designed in wood-like MDF, this personalized ornament is "the bees knees" any time of year, so enjoy displaying it in your home long after the holidays. 3 15/16" dia. bumble bee ornament includes a red hanging ribbon.
  • "Bee-utiful Bees" is standard
  • Designed in wood-like MDF
  • Enjoy displaying it in your home long after the holidays
  • 3 15/16" dia. bumble bee ornament
  • Includes a red hanging ribbon
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