Personalized Blue Gingham Wicker Easter Basket


Assuring the Easter Bunny knows where to deliver the best goodies, this Personalized Blue Gingham Wicker Easter Basket makes the holiday memorable for one special child! A treasure to enjoy every Easter season, the classic wicker Easter basket is crafted of durable chip wood and features a 6" H folding handle for easy carrying at egg hunts. Allowing plenty of room for Easter goodies and toys, the personalized Easter basket opening is 10" L x 8" H, and the basket is 6" H. When the Easter candy is gone, this basket also makes a fun, sturdy holder for crayons, markers, sidewalk chalk, marbles, building blocks and more. Securing with 2 side ties, its removable blue gingham liner can be customized with one special name, creating a keepsake treasure. Specify name; limit 1 line, 10 letters/spaces. Liner is polyester; hand wash. Candy and toys not included.
  • A treasure to enjoy every Easter season, the classic wicker Easter basket is crafted of durable chip wood and features a 6" high folding handle
  • Allowing plenty of room for Easter goodies and toys, the basket opening is 10" long x 8" high, and the basket is 6" high
  • Securing with 2 side ties, its removable blue gingham liner is polyester
  • Hand wash. Candy and toys not included.
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