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  1. 364716

  2. 373643

  3. 368280

  4. Classic Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-320117 Classic Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-320117
    4 Options Available


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  5. Block Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-320119 Block Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-320119
    4 Options Available


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  6. Personalized Large Print Address Labels - Set of 200-349048 Personalized Large Print Address Labels - Set of 200-349048
    4 Options Available


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  7. Old English Initial Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-328951 Old English Initial Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-328951
    4 Options Available


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  8. Script Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-320118 Script Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-320118
    4 Options Available


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  9. Personalized Bold and Centered Address Labels, 200-351398 Personalized Bold and Centered Address Labels, 200-351398
    2 Options Available

  10. Calligraphy Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-320120 Calligraphy Personalized Roll Address Labels, Set of 200-320120
    4 Options Available


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  11. 333195

  12. 366169

  13. 339063


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  14. 341416


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  15. Personalized Elegant and Centered Address Labels, 200-351399 Personalized Elegant and Centered Address Labels, 200-351399
    2 Options Available

  16. 333183


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  17. 333166


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  18. 333167


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  19. 358968


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  20. 352754

  21. Personalized Foil Labels, Roll of 22-376433 Personalized Foil Labels, Roll of 22-376433
    5 Options Available

  22. 333188

  23. 333179


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  24. 358934

  25. 333177

  26. 341420


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  27. Personalized Bold Initial Address Labels, 200-351401 Personalized Bold Initial Address Labels, 200-351401
    2 Options Available

  28. 333313


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  29. 347435


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  30. 364702

  31. 333191


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  32. 358972

  33. 357759

  34. 333184

  35. 333194

  36. 355703

  37. 358975


    Buy 2 Labels, Save $1

  38. 368266


Tell the doldrums of your everyday correspondence to take a hike. Our personalized address labels – including our personalized return address labels and matching envelope seal sets – allow you add charming, colorful finishing touches to letters, cards and bills. Celebrate the art of letter writing with our convenient rolled address labels and colorful, classic seals from Walter Drake.

The Benefits of Return Address Labels

You’ll appreciate the convenient benefits of our personalized address labels. Have a stack of your exclusive personalized Walter Drake Christmas cards to send out? A return address label roll allows you to quickly and easily add a return address to each individual card — without having to handwrite them all. Have hundreds of wedding invitations or party invites that need to be mailed quickly? Walter Drake address labels take the chore out of writing each individual return address by hand.

Loaning out your favorite book, CD or DVD? Our multi-purpose and expertly designed custom address labels can be quickly added to any item to ensure that it finds its way back to you. Need a quick and easy freezer label? Walter Drake address labels are great in a pinch! There are so many ways to use our personalized labels — not just for letters and other correspondence. Get creative with their usage and enjoy!

Many Designs of Address Labels and Seals

Choose from a wide variety of address label and letter seal designs in our extensive selection of personalized address labels. From classic script personalized address label rolls and plain white address labels to patriotic address labels, floral personalized labels, faith-inspired labelsanimals and wildlife labels and Christmas address labels, you’ll find something unique and different at Walter Drake. Looking for something charming and fun? Check out our whimsical labels, which add pops of color with graphics that include palm trees, smiley faces, rainbows, teddy bears and other cute designs.

Match Holiday Cards with Address Seals

Some of our holiday-themed address labels even correspond with our Walter Drake Christmas and holiday cards, so make sure you check out our selection of greeting cards before you make your purchase. (Tip: When selecting a holiday greeting card, scroll to the bottom to check out the “Corresponding Items” to see if there’s a matching self-stick address label and envelope seal set!) Get a head start for ChristmasEaster, Fourth of July or Thanksgiving with these convenient personalized return address labels.

Shop Walter Drake Often 

There’s always something new and different at Walter Drake and our buyers are always on the lookout for the newest and best designs, clever products and home office items that will make your life easier. Our affordable finds make shopping a pleasure — there’s no need to break the bank when shopping for quality products that are necessary in your home. Stop back to our online store often to see what’s new! Make Walter Drake your go-to for all your home office supplies, including calendars and planners, stationery and personal reference items that you’ll reach for again and again.

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