Personalized Paw Print Pet Blanket


Personalized for one lucky pet, this soft personalized paw print pet blanket makes it official—that chair is reserved, thank you! Your cat or dog will snuggle in for a warm, cozy nap while you protect furniture from claw wear and tear (not to mention all that hair). Featuring a cute paw-print pattern, the 100% polyester fleece blanket machine washes and dries for easy care. We'll add your pet's name to this custom blanket in your choice of 3 colors. Specify blanket color: black, tan or grey. Specify text color: white, pink or blue. Specify name; limit 1 line, 10 letters/spaces. 60" L x 40" W.
  • Made with 100% polyester fleece
  • Generously sized 60" long x 40" wide blanket
  • Protects furniture and carpets from wear and pet hair
  • Quickly and easily personalize this pet blanket in pink, blue or white
  • Machine wash
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