Personalized Plaid Wicker Easter Basket


A treasure to love for many Easters to come, this Personalized Plaid Wicker Easter Basket includes a fancy plaid liner, personalized for one lucky child! The classic Easter basket for kids is crafted of durable chip wood and features a 6" H folding handle for easy carrying at egg hunts. Allowing plenty of room for Easter toys and treats galore, the personalized easter basket opening is 10" L x 8" H, and the basket is 6" H. After the Easter goodies are gone, this basket also makes a fun, sturdy holder for crayons, markers, sidewalk chalk, sand toys, building blocks and more. Securing with 2 side ties, the removable fabric liner is soft, solid green inside with colorful plaid outside and fancy ric-rac trim. We'll customize with a special name, creating a one-of-a-kind keepsake. Specify name; limit 1 line, 10 letters/spaces. Liner is polyester; hand wash. Candy and toys not included.
  • The classic Easter basket for kids is crafted of durable chip wood and features a 6" high folding handle for easy carrying at egg hunts
  • Allowing plenty of room for Easter toys and treats galore, the basket opening is 10" long x 8" high, and basket is 6" high
  • Securing with 2 side ties, the removable fabric liner is polyester
  • Hand wash
  • Candy and toys not included
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