Posture Correcting Brace



Feel better and look better with our Posture Corrective Back Brace. We all know bad posture doesn’t look good, but did you know that it can actually have a negative impact on your health? Slouching due to poor posture can lead to pain and tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back. Additionally, bad posture may also lead to difficulty breathing and digestive issues. Posture products such as this posture corrective back brace offer a way to help reverse some of these issues caused by poor posture.

Our posture support brace is a wearable device that gently helps remind your muscles of the correct position they should be in. Designed for men and women, it features a stretch cross back and three-way adjustable fit for comfort.

This posture supporter back brace is made of nylon, polyester and spandex. Choose your posture brace size based on your waist measurement: Small (30"-36"), Medium (37"-42") or Large (43"-48"). For additional comfort, order the next size up. Imported.

This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Nylon, polyester and spandex construction
  • Available in three sizes
  • Unisex design
  • Imported
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