Power Ear™ Digital Rechargeable Hearing Aid


Enjoy hearing voices and speech, not background noise with this Power Ear Digital Rechargeable Hearing Aid! You can participate in conversations again thanks to the digital noise reduction technology in this affordable, innovative hearing aid. With 9 high and low bandwidths and volume settings that capture and amplify sound, you can choose from 81 combinations for a custom experience. This digital hearing aid comes at a fraction of the cost of other custom medical hearing aids. And this FDA-registered rechargeable digital hearing aid is rechargeable; simply plug in and never again worry about low batteries. Discreet Power Ear hearing aid design comfortably fits behind the right or left ear. Deluxe set includes Power Ear™ unit, 4 sound-filtering silicone ear protectors, USB charger, cleaning brush and instructions.
  • With 9 high and low bandwidths and volume settings that capture and amplify sound, you can choose from 81 combinations for a custom experience
  • This digital hearing aid comes at a fraction of the cost of other custom medical hearing aids
  • And this FDA-registered rechargeable digital hearing aid is rechargeable
  • simply plug in and never again worry about low batteries
  • Discreet Power Ear hearing aid design comfortably fits behind the right or left ear
  • Deluxe set includes Power Ear™ unit, 4 sound-filtering silicone ear protectors, USB charger, cleaning brush and instructions
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