Professional Shirt Folder


Fold shirts just like the professionals do with this handy shirt folder. Simply place shirt in center of the clothes folder and use the folding sides to make it neat and wrinkle-free. Pair it with the Stackable Shirt Organizer (sold separately) for the tidiest shelves, drawers and space-saving, iron-free travel. Approx. 28 1/2" L x 23 1/4" W shirt folding board. Durable plastic.
This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Fold shirts just like the professionals do with this handy shirt folder
  • Simply place shirt in center of the clothes folder and use the folding sides to make it neat and wrinkle-free
  • Pair it with the Stackable Shirt Organizer (sold separately) for the tidiest shelves, drawers and space-saving, iron-free travel
  • Approx. 28 1/2" long x 23 1/4" wide shirt folding board
  • Durable plastic
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