Pull and Rotate Storage Rack by Home Marketplace™


This kitchen storage rack's two double-decker shelves pull out of your cabinet and swivel to the right or left, so you can see contents up close, grab what you need, and slide the rack right back into cabinet. Making contents easy to find, access and put away, the Pull and Rotate Storage Rack organizes cluttered spices, prescription bottles, craft supplies, vitamins, first aid supplies, baking supplies, beauty supplies and more. The smart, 2-level cabinet shelves makes the most of vertical space, while side-by-side modular design makes it easy to expand your storage options with a few of these unique shelves. Complete with labels you can write on to categorize, and sturdy handles for pull-out ease, the durable plastic storage rack for kitchen shelves includes non-slip feet to keep them in place without damaging cabinet surfaces. Designed to fit standard cabinets, this versatile storage rack arrives completely assembled and ready to use. Exclusively designed by Home Marketplace™, it's great for kitchen, bathroom, craft or sewing room, or anywhere you need instant organization and quick, easy access. Measures 5 1/4" W x 10 3/4" H x 10 1/2" D.
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  • Durable plastic storage rack
  • Designed to fit standard cabinets
  • Includes organizing labels you can write on
  • Exclusively designed by Home Marketplace™
  • Great for kitchen, bathroom, craft room, and more
  • 5 1/4" wide x 10 3/4" high x 10 1/2" deep
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