Red Whistle


This super loud, about 115-decibel whistle is piercing, instantly alerting others in earshot. this safety whistle is inspired by those used by the U.S. Navy and even works when wet. Take it with you everywhere, from mall trips to hiking treks. Molded from lightweight ABS plastic in a flat design that tucks easily into a pocket. You can also wear this emergency whistle around your neck using the included 18" L lanyard. 2 1/4" L.
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  • Super loud 115-decibel whistle
  • Instantly alerts others in earshot
  • Inspired by those used by the U.S. Navy
  • Even works when wet
  • Molded from lightweight ABS that tucks easily into a pocket
  • 2 1/4" L whistle includes a 18" L lanyard
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