Silicone Magnetic Knee Support, 1 Pair


Improve knee support and stability in weak or injured knees with this magnetic knee brace. Non-slip silicone knee support brace improves microcirculation and relieves pain, inflammation and knee swelling. Provides compression and support to speed healing from knee injury. Suitable for everyday activities. Made from skin-friendly washable SEBS material. Easy to take on and off. Each magnet is approximately 300 gauss. One size fits most. 1 Pair, each 4 3/8" x 7 1/8".
This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Magnetic knee stabilizer brace
  • Made from silicone
  • Each magnet is approximately 300 gauss
  • One size fits most
  • Washable and reusable
  • 1 pair, each 4 3/8" x 7 1/8"
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