Solar Mole Repeller by Scare-D-Pest™


Activated by the sun's natural power, this humane Solar Mole Repeller by Scare-D-Pest™ is designed to help rid your yard of pests without chemicals or harm. When charged in the sunlight, the ground stake gives off a low, audible beep and sonic pulse meant to repel moles, gophers and other burrowing rodents, discouraging them from frequenting your yard or garden. When charged in direct sunlight, the ultrasonic pest repeller provides 24-hour protection in every direction. Its sounds are inaudible to humans and pets. Plastic, aluminum. Mole deterrent measures 6" wide x 14 1/2" high overall.
This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Plastic/aluminum
  • 6" wide x 14 1/2" high overall
  • Sounds are inaudible humans and pets
  • 24-hour protection
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