Solid Sheer Grommet Curtain Panels by OakRidge™, 1 Pair


This elegant pair of sheer curtain panels adds sheer beauty and brightness to any room! Solid Sheer Grommet Curtain Panels dress up any window and add privacy while letting in natural light for a fresh, sunny look. You'll appreciate the sheer fabric's premium quality and style, with fashionable silvertone grommets that ensure easy sliding on a curtain rod. Choose from 3 colors to complement any décor: white, off-white or grey. Includes 2 curtain panels, each 84" L x 54" W. Polyester with metal grommets. By OakRidge™.
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  • Polyester with metal grommets
  • Set of 2 panels, each 84" long x 54" wide
  • Sheer design adds privacy while letting in natural light
  • Fashionable silver-tone grommets ensure easy sliding on a curtain rod
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